Ways You Can Help Us
OK, I don't want to hold back any information from our Clients, Friends and Colleges. Our money pot is shallow. What we have come in from our very geniuses donors is used on things we already had to pay for.
There are so many things we want to improve for our clients and volunteers, but sadly all of these have a cost to them. We do everything we can to be there to support our clients in the best way we can

The easiest way to donate is to follow the donate link below.
Sell unwanted items, then donate the money you make to us. That way, you're not losing anything, just clearing out the stuff you no longer need.
Do a sponsored walk, swim or run. We can send you some promotional material.
Do a bake sale at work. Everyone like a cake at work. We can send you some promotional material.
Display our poster at a club you attend were more than happy to send some out to you.

Share our Facebook, Twitter and Instagram on your social media accounts.

Wright a blog for us to publish

Come talk to us. You don't have to be in distress to come to have a chat. You will not be blocking the line from someone else.